Profile PictureLlynne Switzer

Never Smoke Cigaretts Again MP3 Duo Pack

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I thought smoking was great when I was a kid. I thought it was making me fit in and look mature. However, it quickly became a daily routine that made me smell, cough and gave me pain. In short, cigarettes gave me a lifestyle that made me depressed.

Sound familiar?

Now smokers are reviled in the western world. Forced out in the cold. Looked down upon. Put in to pens away from decent society.

Not only does society dislike the habit, many smokers want to quit as well. But they are told that it is too difficult for them so they soldier on – not wanting to carry on their lives as they are at the moment but unable to find the motivation to do anything about it. This is understandable. However, help is at hand!

My method for quitting cigarettes

One day, through a passing interest in NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming), meditation and self-hypnosis I made a unique discovery. I just started meditating for a few minutes each day. And, I noticed each morning I would feel better and better about myself and not want to put a cigarette into my mouth!

And, then one morning I stopped!

I remember walking around smiling to myself inanely and suddenly seeing the world afresh. I was free of dependence and had increased motivation, inquisitiveness and happiness.

I thought it wouldn’t last and I would be back smoking cigarettes again before too long. But, I never needed to smoke again. I was cured! No Drugs, Patches, gum or horrible cravings! That was 8 or 9 years ago. 

No matter how many times you've tried to quit, you can do it now, and this time you'll succeed. Precision-engineered brain wave frequencies induce a state of hyper-receptivity where subliminal messages get down to the very root of self-sabotage. Specially designed Audible trigger phrases minimize cravings, bolster resolve, and re-build a new sense of self that is healthy, vibrant and free from the grip of nicotine addiction.

Save money, Get better health, and become a NON SMOKER TODAY! 

Includes 2 Powerful MP3's designed with Audible Suggestions, Subliminal Suggestions, and Brain Entertainment technology. 

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Never Smoke Cigaretts Again MP3 Duo Pack

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